Interactive Training Tool
Daily Challenges of Ophthalmology Assistants
Client: The College of Health Care Professionals
Tool: Genially
Time in Development: 3 hours
Interactive Training Tool
8 Medical Errors & The Feelings that Led to Them
Client: The College of Health Care Professionals
Tool: Genially
Time in Development: 5 hours
Knowledge-Based Quiz
The 3 Publishing Options
Knowledge-Based Quiz
The 3 Publishing Options
Tool: Genially
Time in Progress: 1 hour
Client: Our Written Lives, LLC
Features: The course educates users about the three types of publishing with a knowledge-based quiz.
Knowledge-Based Game for Kids
Ninja Quiz
Tool: Genially
Time in Development: 1 hour
About: This quiz is a fun way to engage students and test comprehension after reading Ninja Facts for Kids, found at